Announcing new features for Ark Communities

September 14, 2023
We have been busy adding a whole raft of new features for managers and residents alike: booking amenities and events, and a resident marketplace.

Our product and technology team have been busy (as usual) delivering new features that have been highly requested by both community managers and residents. The recent changes will make it even easier for managers to engage with residents and to manage communities.  

Booking amenities

Managers can now add amenities and facilities onto the Ark system and make them available to residents via the mobile app. Amenities can be either just informative, or allow the resident to book a specific time for personal use (e.g. booking a car parking space).

Amenities Dashboard Screen

Creating events

For those communities that run events for their residents (for example, yoga sessions), managers can now organise thise via the Ark platform and accessible to residents via the mobile app. Events can be either free, or set with a ticket price.

Events Dashboard Screen


We have implemented the ability for residents to offer items for exchange or sale to other residents within the community.

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